Unfortunately, many people associate the pentacle with Satan or Satanism—which couldn’t be further from the truth. The pentacle is an important symbol in Wicca; Wiccans do not believe in (and, therefore, do not worship) Satan—an entity introduced solely by the Christian church. The idea that Wiccans recognize/honor Satan or the devil is a poorly-placed stigma that will, hopefully, one day be dissolved.
In reality, the pentacle is considered (among other things) to be a symbol of protection to Wiccans. The five points represent the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Sadly, it wasn’t until 2007 when the VA finally added the pentacle to its list of emblems of belief that can be included on grave markers.
Most Wiccan altars contain at least one pentacle. Pentacles can also be worn as necklaces, drawn in the air to invoke protection/blessing, drawn on the skin when anointing with oil(s), drawn invokingly while stirring foods, and so forth.
In my personal practice, I draw a pentacle over my garden plants, my tea, and the food I prepare. I have a pentacle necklace that I wear almost all of the time—especially when I am away from home. I mostly wear it inside my shirt as a private religious matter, but I will sometimes choose to wear it in full view. I have a hand-made pentacle on my altar, along with two beautiful candlesticks adorned with pentacles at their bases.
However you choose to honor Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit is a matter of personal choice. You do you. Blessed be.