Desert Witchcraft
The desert speaks to us with harsh summer heat,
with frigid winter nights—both extremes showing us the necessity of balance.
Owls and coyotes call out at night, the crows caw in early mornings and throughout the day. As the moon rises above this precious land, javelinas prowl for food; the earth slumbers—awaiting rain. When the rain finally comes, both creatures of this land and those of us who share this sacred space with them rejoice.
There is so much magick in the desert! But we must always draw it down. We draw down desert magick whenever we conserve water, by recognizing the brilliant landscape before us and honoring it, through appreciating the gentle breezes that cool us, respecting plants and animals. We work our magick, both in the heat of the sun and under the full moon, as we allow the energy of this land of mystery to infuse us—knowing that we are blessed to be here.
The following are my tips for being a desert witch:
Exercise regularly and stay hydrated.
Honor and respect the local animals; leave food and water offerings for the birds. Be mindful that desert animals don’t live in our home—we live in theirs.
Call upon the energy of the sun.
Conserve water.
Collect thunderstorm water to add to your workings.
Start a garden and tend to it regularly. At first, you will think that you’re taking care of your plants—but your plants are actually taking care of you.
Become familiar with the folklore and sprits of your region and add them into your practice.
Cleanse yourself, your loved ones, and your home with sage on a regular basis.
Practice patience and kindness during the hot summer months, when few of us are at our best due to the extreme heat.
Honor the cycles of the moon and the sun.
Give love to every living creature that crosses your path.
Here is my recipe for Desert Witch Oil, which I use for candle dressing:
Sandalwood, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, fennel, cumin.
Sunflower or Aloe Vera oil as a carrier.
Blessed be.