Beltane is the May Day festival, and it is typically celebrated on May 01. It marks the beginning of summer, and it is a festival of fire. It falls opposite of Samhain on the Wheel of the Year; it’s one of the eight traditional Wiccan Sabbats. Just like Samhain, it is a time when the veil between the natural world and supernatural world is thinnest. So, how can one celebrate this turning of the Wheel?
You can do so by having a bonfire (wherever appropriate, safe, and legal), planting bulbs in your garden, throwing wildflower seeds into fields, or going on a picnic. There is no wrong way. Most importantly, light a candle, welcome greenery, celebrate new life, bless projects, and embrace loving energy.
Some Beltane color correspondences are green, blues, purples, and yellows.
Personally, I like to celebrate Beltane by tending to my garden and walking barefoot in nature to absorb the energy of the Earth. As with all Sabbats, I will hold a ritual and follow it with a special meal. I also enjoy leaving offerings for the Fae and doing divination.